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How do CHRLY’s IT recruiters make a difference to your organisation?

As well as having plenty of experience in attracting IT talent, CHRLY’s recruiters know the IT market inside-out. They extend their network on a daily basis, so there’s sure to be a suitable candidate for the position you want to fill. In this blog post you can find out how they go about it and why they will complement your own recruitment activities perfectly. 

A successful story always starts with a good conversation. An in-depth discussion takes place with every consultant that CHRLY sends out. Likewise, at the companies that are looking for IT talent, we also seek to identify their needs first, so that we can find a suitable candidate. Although this process is quite labour-intensive, CHRLY can guarantee that you will have a qualified consultant within 48 to 72 hours. Not a profile sent to your organisation after a superficial analysis, but someone who has been carefully selected. 

We run our searches at home and abroad 

Our recruiters have a lot of personal experience in the IT market and can assess clients’ needs accurately. ‘Give up’ isn’t in their dictionary: they persist until they’ve found the right person. If we don’t have anyone in our own network, we call in our partners. We’re completely transparent about the profiles we are looking for, which means that these partners can quickly come up with a suitable candidate. 

And if it really isn’t possible to recruit a candidate in Portugal, we extend the search to elsewhere in Europe or even further afield. As CHRLY is part of the Fujitsu group, we can often transfer someone quickly to carry out an assignment. Sometimes these people already have experience with technologies that are still brand-new here. You can safely say that the IT sector holds no secrets for us. 

We focus on retention 

Finding talent is one thing, but holding onto it is another challenge. That’s why CHRLY also attaches great importance to retention, so that you don’t have to recruit someone new every three months. Onboarding is often a costly process, especially if you have to train a candidate. If we notice that a consultant isn’t completely comfortable in his or her job, we ask for feedback and actively engage in discussions with a view to possibly deploying this person in a different role. 

And even if a consultant leaves a company, the majority carry on working at CHRLY. As a result, we get to know our people better and better and it’s easier to assess which job a person is most suitable for. 

We are diverse and inclusive 

We also like to do our best to contribute to society – a priority that is also ingrained in Fujitsu’s DNA. Diversity and inclusion are more than just vague concepts at CHRLY. We have dozens of nationalities on board and more than half of our team consists of women. This diversity is also apparent in our recruitment: we always look for the right fit between candidate and client – other characteristics are irrelevant. 

Lifelong learning is another concept that CHRLY enthusiastically advocates for. A diploma shouldn’t be the only starting point for spotting talent these days. As a recruitment agency, we therefore also put a strong emphasis on training and monitoring our candidates, so that we can be sure that they will play a crucial role in their future team. Many companies are still looking for that rare candidate with at least five years of experience, but it can be an advantage to give young talent a chance, especially in the world of tech. Conversely, we also ensure that our older consultants continue to present a close fit with market requirements. 

If you’re still unsure whether an IT professional is the right choice in the long term, you can use the Try & Hire formula to recruit a professional for a vacancy and decide after a trial period of twelve months whether or not to hire him or her permanently. 

CHRLY finds the right match 

As an external recruitment agency, CHRLY is the ideal partner to find the IT talent that will help your organisation meet the challenges of the future. We can make your recruitment a lot more efficient as well as ensure that you get to know the right candidates, both for today and for the future. We also prioritise retention, so that new colleagues will strengthen your organisation in the long term. And we do all this at competitive and flexible rates. The result – and the ultimate proof of our worth: numerous satisfied clients… 

Would you like to know what CHRLY can do for your organisation? Then go ahead and contact us, so that we can talk about how we can be of service to your company. 

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